Ensinos de Libertação Portas Espirituais - Pastora Tânia Tereza

Ensinos de Libertação Portas Espirituais - Pastora Tânia Tereza So, as I said in our previous chapter... We're able to open and close doors in the spirit world. Through our decisions in the natural world. But how does it happen? Why do these doors open and close?.

Ensinos de Libertação Portas Espirituais - Pastora Tânia Tereza

It's related to our obedience or disobedience. Obedience to the law of the Lord closes spiritual doors [to evil]. It protects us. Desobedience to the law of the Lord leaves us unprotected because it opens doors in the spirit world..

So I want to talk to you about spiritual laws. There is a legal hierarchy. Just as there are municipal, state, and federal laws in a nation... And a Federal Constitution, which is a greater law... There's a hierarchy of laws in the Bible as well..

We find in the Bible civil laws, ceremonial laws... moral laws, criminal laws... But there is a greater law. There's a greater law that'd be a simile of the Federal Constitution. God's Federal Constitution are The Ten Commandments..

God wrote immutable laws with His finger on tablets of stone. The other ones, God spoke to Moses. "Then the Lord said to Moses, 'Tell the people of Israel...' " But the Ten Commandments were written by God. God, on Mount Sinai, passed His Word to Moses and also left it written..

Men made a golden calf. So when Moses descended from Mount Sinai his anger burned and he broke the tablets. Then God told him to cut new tablets... And bring them to Him..

To show the people the importance of having those written laws. And today we now that... the Tablets of the Law are in the Ark of the Covenant. And the Word of God tells us that the Ark of the Covenant, which has never been found, is in Heaven's tabernacle..

The Ark of the Covenant is in Heaven. And inside it are the Tablets of the Law. Why are they there? Because God's law will never pass away. Heaven and earth will pass away, but His law will never pass away. Jesus made it very clear..

Some people think that Jesus coming to earth... And His sacrifice on the cross made the laws be revoked. No, they weren't. Jesus didn't say He would revoke the law, but that He would fulfill it. He came to be punished for when the law would be broken..

Actually, now it's even harder to fulfill the law. Because He said, "...it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery'. "But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman "with lustful intent has already committed adultery." It's written you shall not murder..

But if you wish harm or death to anyone, then you're already committing homicide. Anyway. Jesus did not come to bring relief to the law. He came to fulfill it..

On the cross of Calvary, mine and all mankind's sin is punished. For me, it's free. But it wasn't for Him. It cost Him a blood sacrifice. So, when we obey God's law... The Ten Commandments, more specifically....


    Because they're the spiritual laws that open and close doors...

    It results in abundant life. The spirit world is favorable to us... We find the favor of God. And the spirit world releases its blessings on us..

    Blessings are in the spirit world. In the letter to the Ephesians, the Word of God states that blessed be the God and Father of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who, before the foundation of the world, has blessed us with every spiritual blessing.

    In the heavenly places. Notice that, before the foundation of the world. Before God said "Let there be light", He had already blesses ud. In the heavenly places, which means the spirit world. Blessings come to the natural world from the spirit world..

    So, when the doors are open to the light through obedience, blessings come in alongside the light itself. Then, all God's promises in the Bible, everything he has promised us, are now reachable. We're able to pray and say,.

    "Father, I'm living in obedience. "So I ask You to keep Your promise to me." For example... You and your household will be saved if you convert. “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household.”.

    When I convert, I am in alignment with the Word of God. At that moment, I can ask for the salvation of my household. On the other hand... When we disobey these laws... It's not the favor of God that we attract,.

    But the dominion of darkness. So let's take as an example the law "You shall not murder". It's written in Torah... In the Ten Commandments, "You shall not murder". When God says, "You shall not murder"....

    His main concern isn't who dies. Because the Bible states that when we die... the dust returns to the earth... and the spirit returns to God who gave it. There's no better place than returning to God..

    But God instructs us not to murder... so that we won't face the spiritual consequences of bloodshed. Who murders opens a door in the spirit world. Then, spirits of death come in and bring death with them. Killing, stealing and destroying is the specialty of the enemy, don't forget that..

    Therefore, when God tells us "no"...

    "Don't do this!" "Don't do that!" He is actually protecting us. Because, from the moment we sin... The spirit world reacts to it..

    Hell rises up. And the evil spiritual beings come into our world to bring loss where our sin gave them the right to touch. Spiritual laws must be observed. Their goal is to bless and protect us..

    It's like a parent who says to a child, "Don't go up on the balcony because you may fall." "If you fall, you get hurt." So when God says "no," it's not the restraint of our freedom. It's our protection. Protection..

    Don't do this so that the dominion of darkness will have no space in your life. And the Ten Commandments are God's supreme law. Why is that? Because God wrote them with his own finger on tablets of stone. Because heaven came to earth..

    That only moment when God's throne came to earth... It was to write the Tablets of the Law. That is the importance that God gives to this law. It's so big that God came Himself to write with His own finger. And when we neglect it by living our own way.....

    When we live our own will, not the will of God ... And God's will is written. He left it written as a letter to mankind, telling us His will. When we chose to live according to our own will... We lose our connection to heaven..

    Then you understand... That God's good, pleasing and perfect will is to bless us. God loves us all the time and He wants to bless us all the time. God is unable to bless us when we disobey His word. You can find scritpures like Psalms 81, that says....

    "Oh, that my people would listen to me, "that Israel would walk in my ways! I would soon subdue their enemies..." He'd subdue them. The Psalm continues and says later....

    "But he would feed you with the finest of the wheat, and with honey from the rock I would satisfy you." God says, "If my people listened to me, the enemy wouldn't be a problem for them." Because the door would be closed to him. And we'd have the finest wheat and honey from the rock..

    We'd have blessings. You wouldn't have opened the door to evil, but you would have opened it for good. The enemy wouldn't be a problem. And you'd have the blessings that are provisioned in the heavenly places..

    Everything in the spirit world works within the Law. Everything works that way in the spirit world, everything is legal. That's why it's also written... "If one turns away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer is an abomination.".

    Praying in disobedience... Neglecting these legal principles... It represents an affront to God. It's as if we've told God, "I don't want anything you want..

    "Everything I want is different from what you want. But, please, bless me once in a while." When we do this, we're affronting God. "God is only useful to bless me. Not to teach me. Not to guide me.".

    And that's how the spirit world works. Anyway, we're the ones who holds the key to the spirit world. We open the door to blessings. And we open the door to curses. There's no way it could work differently..

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